Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky is seeking a preliminary injunction preventing Indiana's new abortion law from taking effect July 1.
file photoINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Attorneys for the state of Indiana are urging a federal judge to reject Planned Parenthood's bid to block a new state law mandating that aborted fetuses be buried or cremated.
Indiana's attorney general says in a brief filed Wednesday that the court should deny Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky's request for a preliminary injunction preventing the law from taking effect July 1.
The state's brief argues that the law's provisions are both constitutional and "a legitimate means of ensuring human remains are treated with dignity and respect."
Planned Parenthood contends the law that also would ban abortions sought because of genetic abnormalities is unconstitutional and violates women's privacy rights.
A federal judge will hold a hearing June 14 to consider the injunction request.