November 21, 2019

Indiana University Says Can't Fire Professor For 'Bigoted Remarks'

Indiana University

Indiana University

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — Indiana University says it cannot fire a professor who posted “racist, sexist, and homophobic” comments on social media, because the Constitution protects his views.

Eric Rasmusen, a professor of business economics and public policy, tweeted a quote from an article that says in part “geniuses are overwhelmingly male.”

University Provost Lauren Robel says Rasmusen also posted “bigoted statements,” saying gay men are “promiscuous” and shouldn’t be in academia, and that black students are unqualified to attend elite institutions.

Robel says if Rasmussen acts upon his views in the workplace he could be in violation of the university’s nondiscrimination policy.

The university is allowing students to transfer out of his classes and implementing anonymous assignment submission for his courses.

Rasmusen says the university is encouraging bias by cracking down on his views.

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