New regulations for cannabidiol, or CBD, are meant to help consumers and law enforcement.
CBD has been legal in Indiana since March, but now it’s required to come with a QR code. It’s a type of bar code that can be scanned by a smartphone, which will take you to a page with information about the product.
There consumers will find information that includes an independent lab analysis, ingredients and the product’s expiration date.
The law kicked in on July 1 and retailers worked ahead of time to make sure they were in compliance.
Gailynn Buckner is the Midwest Apothecary Specialist for Lucky’s Market. He says the process takes time
“Thankfully we’ve been able to work with our specific vendors, and they’ve been sending us the codes to put on our products,” Buckner says. “We do have a couple of products we are still working the codes out with, and that’s why we have a couple of empty spaces.”
Lawmakers say the law will help inform consumers about the relatively new product.
Retailers who do not properly follow the labeling requirement could face up to $10,000 in fines and lose their retail licenses.