The video board at Evansville's Ford Center shows Indiana Republican Party Chair Kyle Hupfer as he speaks to his party's convention.
Brandon Smith/IPB NewsIndiana Republicans approved a party platform at their convention Saturday that defines marriage as between a man and a woman.
The vote came after an intraparty fight over that language.
The proposed 2018 platform eliminated previous language to define marriage as between a man and a woman. But a groundswell among party members prompted GOP leadership to give convention delegates an option: vote for the 2018 language or revert back to previous language that defined marriage.
Porter County GOP Chair Mike Simpson, a delegate, addressed the convention in favor of the 2018 language, which he says recognizes today’s reality.
“There is and are many strong families that are not centered on marriage between a man and a woman raising their own children,” Simpson says.
But delegate and Morgan County GOP Chair Dan Elliott told the convention the 2016 language is something previous conventions already supported.
“Recognizing the reality on the ground that most families are headed by married couples,” Elliott says.
The delegates overwhelmingly approved the 2016 language by a voice vote.
The convention delegates also officially nominated their statewide candidates, all incumbents: Secretary of State Connie Lawson, State Auditor Tera Klutz, and State Treasurer Kelly Mitchell. It's only the second time in state history an entire statewide ticket is comprised of women; Republicans also ran three women in 2014.