The Indiana State Department of Agriculture received a $500,000 federal grant to help pay for an initiative to reduce mental health stigma in farm communities and connect people to stress assistance programs.
Ken Ritchie/PixabayNDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The Indiana State Department of Agriculture is partnering with the Indiana Rural Health Association and Purdue Extension to reduce mental health stigma in farm communities and connect people to stress assistance programs.
Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch, who serves as Indiana's secretary of agriculture, says the program will help communities ensure residents know there are available resources help close to home.”
The Ag Department has received a $500,000 federal grant to help pay for the initiative.
It will work with the rural health group to hold workshops across the state to discuss mental health stigma and recognizing signs of mental health distress will be discussed. More information is available at indianaruralhealth.org.
Purdue Extension will survey mental health call centers in Indiana and create a training module for mental health call center workers supporting farmers, farm families and agribusinesses.