The Teachers Warehouse operated the Bloomington Rotary Club serves pre-K through eighth grade public school teachers from Monroe, Brown, Lawrence, Owen and Greene counties.
stock photoBLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — A charity project is providing free school supplies to teachers in 11 school districts in five south central Indiana counties.
The Teachers Warehouse operated by the Bloomington Rotary Club serves pre-K through eighth grade public school teachers from Monroe, Brown, Lawrence, Owen and Greene counties.
The (Bloomington) Herald-Times reports that the 12-year-old project provided nearly $200,000 worth of supplies to 525 teachers last year. It provides the supplies from donations of money and materials.
Rhonna Roberts teaches at North Lawrence Community Schools in Bedford. Roberts visited the warehouse recently looking for scissors. She says she regularly spends upward of $100 of her own money on supplies for her classroom.