September 10, 2014

Hoosier Senators Want President To Deliver Clear Strategy On Dealing With ISIS Threat

U.S. Sailors move a Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet aircraft assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 31 on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) Aug. 26, 2014, in the Persian Gulf as the ship supports operations in Iraq. President Barack Obama authorized humanitarian aid deliveries to Iraq as well as targeted airstrikes to protect U.S. personnel from extremists known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. - U.S. Navy photo

U.S. Sailors move a Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet aircraft assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 31 on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) Aug. 26, 2014, in the Persian Gulf as the ship supports operations in Iraq. President Barack Obama authorized humanitarian aid deliveries to Iraq as well as targeted airstrikes to protect U.S. personnel from extremists known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

U.S. Navy photo
Barbara Harrington & Brandon Smith

The United States has already launched more than 100 airstrikes against the Islamic State, but President Obama is expected to lay out more ways to reduce the threat posed by ISIS during a national address tonight.

Indiana’s U.S. Senators say they’re looking forward to hearing President Obama outline a clear strategy for dealing with the ISIS terrorist group. 

Sen. Joe Donnelly says a strategy for dealing with ISIS – both in Iraq and Syria – must not be about containing what he calls the radical, savage terrorist group. He says it must be focused on eliminating it. 

And Donnelly says while he’s been calling for targeted airstrikes in Syria for some time, he won’t second guess the timing of the president’s actions.

“The complete elimination won’t be tomorrow but we have to be committed to that goal.  It will take time, it will take sacrifice, it will take effort but we are facing an extraordinarily dangerous group that threatens our own country as well," he said.

Sen. Dan Coats says he wants to hear a clear, specific strategy from the president that includes partnering with other enemies of the Islamic State. 

"We need the president to take the lead with leaders of this country and we need these countries to stand up and say, we see the threat, we’re next, we want to engage, can you help us with intelligence, with airstrikes, can you help us with military weapons and can you help us with training," Coats said.

Both Hoosier senators stress the need for cooperation with other countries.  Coats says the U.S. needs to involve moderate Muslim nations.  Donnelly says while the president doesn’t need approval from Congress for any actions he takes, a congressional vote of support would strengthen American efforts.

President Obama will address the nation at 9 p.m.

Hamilton Says Ideology Can Be Destroyed

Former Congressman Lee Hamilton says air strikes and military support are important, but the United States also needs a plan to combat the radical ideology of ISIS, which is driving their actions. 

"You have to counter a war of ideas with something. Can an ideology be destroyed as the president wants to do? I think the answer to that is yes," Hamilton said. "Nazism was destroyed. Fascism was destroyed. But, in each case, it took a huge effort and it took a positive message to override their message."


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