GOP Chair Kyle Hupfer and Democratic Party Chair John Zody say Hoosier voters have legitimate concerns about voting in person this May.
Lauren Chapman/IPB News, Seth Tackett/WTIUThe leaders of Indiana’s two major political parties want all Hoosiers to be able to vote by mail in May’s primary.
In a letter to the Indiana Election Commission, GOP Chair Kyle Hupfer and Democratic Party Chair John Zody say Hoosier voters have legitimate concerns about voting in person this May.
Current law only allows vote-by-mail if the person is totally unable to be at the polls on Election Day – for instance, if they’re going to be out of town, if they’re confined to a health care facility or their home, or if they’re a member of the military.
Zody and Hupfer want the Election Commission to eliminate those requirements and allow all registered voters who want one to receive a ballot in the mail and cast their votes.
The Election Commission can do so under current law, by a unanimous vote of its four members – two Republicans and two Democrats. It has not yet scheduled a meeting.
Contact Brandon at bsmith@ipbs.org or follow him on Twitter at @brandonjsmith5.