Former contract worker Shari McLaughlin filed a lawsuit this month in Marion County Superior Court against Major General Courtney Carr, Adjutant General of the Indiana National Guard, shown here speaking during a March 2016 ceremony at Camp Atterbury.
Master Sgt. Brad Staggs/Atterbury-Muscatatuck Public AffairsINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A former contract worker has filed a lawsuit claiming she was retaliated against by the leader of the Indiana National Guard after she reported concerns about his affair with a subordinate.
Shari McLaughlin filed the lawsuit this month in Marion County Superior Court against Major General Courtney Carr, Adjutant General of the Indiana National Guard.
McLaughlin began working as a contractor in 2017 and was assigned a mentor who allegedly began a relationship with Carr.
McLaughlin alleges once she came forward with concerns, she was retaliated against with false accusations and intimidation, among other things. The lawsuit alleges she resigned in 2018 because her work environment "had become too unsafe and toxic."
Indiana National Guard spokeswoman Beth Houx declined comment on the pending litigation.
No attorney is listed for Carr in court records.