April 22, 2015

Indiana Lawmakers Facing Decisions On Budget, Casino Changes

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INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana lawmakers are grappling with where to make cuts in the new state budget while also deciding on steps to help the state's struggling casinos.

Senate and House budget leaders say they're looking for ways to handle a $213 million drop in expected tax revenue growth.

Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Luke Kenley says proposed 2.3 percent school funding increases are likely safe, along with money for adding more than 100 child welfare case workers.

A House-Senate conference committee met Wednesday to discuss a bill allowing Indiana's riverboats casinos to move onto land. But the owner of the two horse track casinos near Indianapolis objects to a change blocking them from adding live dealers for table games until 2021.

The General Assembly has one week until its April 29 adjournment deadline.

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