January 23, 2020

Indiana Gaming Commission Authorizes Bets On Academy Awards

Original story from   IPBS-RJC

Article origination IPBS-RJC
Hoosier casinos can now offer bets on the Academy Awards.  - Libreshot

Hoosier casinos can now offer bets on the Academy Awards.


Hoosier casinos can now offer bets on the Academy Awards after getting approval from the Indiana Gaming Commission.

That was made possible in last year’s sports wagering law.

The sports gaming bill also allowed bets on “other events.” And gaming commission rules say those events must have a verifiable outcome that can’t be influenced by wagers and that is generated through an independent, reliable process.

READ MORE: Hoosiers Bet $147 Million On Sports In November

Those definitions could apply to wagering on election results. House Public Policy Committee Chair Ben Smaltz (R-Auburn) doesn’t see a problem with that.

“I think it’s up to a willing bettor and a willing taker, if they want to bet on something," Smaltz says. "I think it’s very risky. I’m not sure it’s very prudent but that’s not my choice."

House Speaker Brian Bosma (R-Indianapolis) does have a problem with betting on elections.

“I certainly hope no one goes in the direction of elections," Bosma says. "We’re more concerned about people voting than placing a bet on the vote.”

So far, the only non-sporting event approved by the commission is the Oscars.

Contact Brandon at bsmith@ipbs.org or follow him on Twitter at @brandonjsmith5.

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