October 4, 2024

Indiana Debate Commission moves forward with U.S. Senate debate. Banks won't take part

Article origination IPB News
The candidates for Indiana's 2024 U.S. Senate race are, from left to right, Libertarian Andrew Horning, Republican Jim Banks and Democrat Valerie McCray. - Courtesy of Horning Facebook page, Banks Facebook page and McCray campaign

The candidates for Indiana's 2024 U.S. Senate race are, from left to right, Libertarian Andrew Horning, Republican Jim Banks and Democrat Valerie McCray.

Courtesy of Horning Facebook page, Banks Facebook page and McCray campaign

The nonpartisan Indiana Debate Commission announced Friday it will host a debate for Indiana’s U.S. Senate race later this month — even as one of the candidates won’t participate.

Only Democrat Valerie McCray and Libertarian Andrew Horning will take part in the debate on Oct. 29. Republican Jim Banks declined the commission’s invitation.

The Senate race is an open one, as incumbent Republican Mike Braun opted to run for governor this fall.

The commission is inviting people to submit questions for the debate on its website, IndianaDebateCommission.com. Those questions, which will be vetted by the commission, can be submitted by Oct. 17.


Brandon is our Statehouse bureau chief. Contact him at bsmith@ipbs.org or follow him on Twitter at @brandonjsmith5.

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