November 3, 2016

IMPD Southwest District Honored For Active Shooter Program

Paula Barnes and IMPD Officer David Spurgeon initiated an active shooter program. - Taylor Bennett

Paula Barnes and IMPD Officer David Spurgeon initiated an active shooter program.

Taylor Bennett

Active shooter incidents have become more frequent over the last several years. Would you know what to do if you were trapped inside a building during an active shooter event?  IMPD’s Southwest District has been working to prepare the public in case they ever encounter an active shooter. 

"People have a very small chance of being part of one, but they need to be aware of these incidents and how to respond if they are caught in a situation like that", says IMPD Officer David Spurgeon. He says they've had many requests for this type of training.

"Any business or organization that has 10 or more willing to go through this type of training, we'll go out to them, on Southwest district and offer this training," Spurgeon says.

Because of the success on the Southwest District, the program has been adopted city-wide.

During the IMPD Honor Awards ceremony Thursday, Nov. 3 Spurgeon and Crimewatch Coordinator Paula Barnes were celebrated with a Medal of Merit for the Active Shooter Program.

Another free active shooter presentation will be held Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. at IMPD Southwest District, 551 N.King Avenue.

For more information, contact IMPD Southwest district at 317-327-6465.

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