February 17, 2015

House Passes Plan To Study Redistricting Reform

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House lawmakers Tuesday unanimously approved legislation establishing a study committee to examine redistricting reform. 

The legislation, authored by Speaker Brian Bosma and House Minority Leader Scott Pelath, creates a study committee that will spend two years reviewing redistricting procedures in other states and recommend a system for Indiana.  Pelath says though the end of the decade seems far off, it’s important to start the reform process now.

“I think this is a fairly easy ‘Yes’ vote in favor of the general principle that we ought to have, to the maximum extent possible, constituents picking their politicians and not politicians picking their constituents,” Pelath said.

Legislation skipping a study and establishing an independent redistricting commission passed the House in previous sessions.  And Bosma says he’d prefer to just enact reform.

“It’s very clear that that’s not going to pass through the Senate without a deep dive like this," Bosma said. "This is the right next step.”

The bill now moves to the Senate for its consideration.

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