March 24, 2015

House Lawmakers Pay Emotional Tribute To Rep. Earl Harris

A flower sits on Rep. Ed Harris' desk in the Indiana House of Representatives. - Brandon Smith

A flower sits on Rep. Ed Harris' desk in the Indiana House of Representatives.

Brandon Smith

On an emotional day at the Statehouse, House lawmakers Tuesday tearfully honored East Chicago Rep. Earl Harris, who passed away Monday. 

House Minority Leader Scott Pelath says after the shock of Monday’s news, sadness was setting in among Harris’ colleagues.  The 73-year-old East Chicago Democrat, who served in the House since 1983, had been battling cancer.  Gary Rep. Charlie Brown, who came into the House the same year, says Harris was a dedicated public servant.

“And even his last day, he was thinking about doing work for the district and for individuals in the district,” Brown said.

South Bend Rep. Pat Bauer, a longtime colleague, says Harris had an important influence on the legislature.

“The one thing he knew how to do was to calm the storms and bring the ship home," Bauer said. "And today, Earl’s up there and continues to calm the storm.”

Pelath says Harris’ most important quality was that he was a true gentleman, a legacy Pelath says he hopes will live on.

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