November 21, 2017

House Democrats Set To Choose New Leader Next Week

Article origination IPBS-RJC
House Minority Leader Scott Pelath (D-Michigan City), right, sits beside Rep. Linda Lawson (D-Hammond) during the 2017 session. - Brandon Smith/IPB News

House Minority Leader Scott Pelath (D-Michigan City), right, sits beside Rep. Linda Lawson (D-Hammond) during the 2017 session.

Brandon Smith/IPB News

Indiana House Democrats will spend their Thanksgiving holiday contemplating who their new leader should be.

Minority Leader Scott Pelath (D-Michigan City) recently announced he will step down from the post. The caucus met Tuesday to discuss his replacement but did not take a vote.

Instead, the Democratic members will meet next Monday to choose their new leader.

Minority Floor Leader Linda Lawson (D-Hammond) says there are a few potential candidates – and she’s confident in caucus unity after a decision is reached.

“We gave them a speech today, our caucus, on how to be nice to one another, how to treat one another. It may not be our candidate but we’re in this together,” Lawson says.

Lawson notes the caucus can re-evaluate its leadership decision after next fall’s elections.

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