January 5, 2015

House Democrats Say They'll Work To Close Indiana's Wage Gap

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House Democrat Leader Scott Pelath says it’s the duty of the minority party in the upcoming session to offer alternatives to Republican proposals, including ways to reduce the wage gap.

Pelath says income inequality is the most pressing economic issue Indiana faces.  He notes the gap between the highest and lowest earners in the state is the biggest it’s been in decades.  The House Minority Leader says educating the public on the issue must come first, along with solutions that can have an immediate impact, such as raising the minimum wage.

“And we need to find ways, most importantly, to grow, attract, and retain highly skilled workers with higher income potentials,” Pelath said.

He says ensuring the session is a productive one is also about what lawmakers don’t pass.  He points to potential legislation that would allow businesses, such as florists and caterers, to refuse service to gay couples. Pelath says issues like that only serve to divide the state.

“Some come to the General Assembly because they really enjoy talking about people’s personal lives," Pelath said. "That’s what drives them; that’s what interests them.  I would ask them to set those interests aside.”

The legislative session is set to begin Tuesday.

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