December 26, 2014

Hoosier Lawmakers Pondering Stronger Regulation Of E-Cigarettes

Indiana legislators may consider stronger regulation of e-cigarettes. - stock photo

Indiana legislators may consider stronger regulation of e-cigarettes.

stock photo

A recent study shows more teenagers use e-cigarettes than traditional tobacco products, and the trend might cause the Indiana General Assembly to take a long look at stricter regulation of e-cigarettess in the upcoming session.

E-cigs have become a billion dollar industry and state laws are behind the curve.  House Public Policy Committee Chair Ed Clere says there’s been discussion about whether e-cigs should be included in the statewide smoking ban.

“Obviously e-cigs don’t have the tar and some of the other chemicals that are present in regular cigarettes but I don’t know enough at this point about the science and I’m interested in looking at that and learning more,” Clere said.

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network’s Brianna Herndon says e-cigarettes are not a focus of her organization:

“We don’t want to get distracted from other tobacco control policies and other issues that we have around tobacco control here in Indiana," Herndon said. "So, while this certainly is an issue that we expect will come up, we want to continue to remind the legislators and the public that Indiana still has a serious tobacco problem.”

Herndon says the focus around e-cigarettes should be encouraging the federal government to more strongly regulate the product.

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