Gov. Eric Holcomb says he cannot tell the legislature to impeach Attorney General Curtis Hill.
(Brandon Smith/IPB News)Gov. Eric Holcomb says his position on Attorney General Curtis Hill has not changed following the investigation into allegations that he groped four women at a party. But Holcomb says he cannot tell the legislature to impeach Hill.
He says recent investigations validate the women who came forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Hill.
The Inspector General and special prosecutor David Sigler announced Tuesday there would be no criminal charges against Hill. Their investigations found the allegations credible, but did not determine Hill's actions were criminal.
Based on those findings, Holcomb says the right thing for Hill to do is resign.
But Holcomb says he doesn't have the authority to tell the legislature to impeach Hill - he says he can only offer his personal opinion.
"I believe that resignation would be the proper course - now that this has been confirmed three times," Holcomb says.
In recent statements, House Speaker Brian Bosma and Sen. David Long also reaffirmed their positions that Hill should step down. Hill's attorneys said Tuesday the investigations exonerated their client.