The Indiana GOP says Gov. Eric Holcomb ended 2018 with more campaign cash in the bank that any previous second-year governor.
Zach Herndon/WTIU, fileINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana Republican officials say Gov. Eric Holcomb has $4 million in campaign funds nearly two years ahead of his expected re-election bid.
The state GOP says Holcomb ended 2018 with more campaign cash in the bank that any previous second-year governor. Holcomb's political operation has even more money available when adding in the about $800,000 in Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch's campaign account and the state GOP's some $900,000.
Holcomb's fundraising comes as no active Democratic challengers have yet emerged for the 2020 campaign for governor.
State records show Holcomb spent $14.8 million on his 2016 campaign, with $7.6 million of that coming from the Republican Governors Association. He defeated Democratic nominee John Gregg, whose campaign spent $16.6 million.