Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill wants to replicate the work of an Indianapolis anti-violence program in other communities around the state. Hill plans to set aside money from his office to spread the Ten Point Coalition model. The Indianapolis Ten Point Coalition is a community-run anti-violence program. In partnership with the Indianapolis police, the coalition uses a boots on the ground approach to target high crime neighborhoods. And Hill says it’s effective at reducing violence and ho
IPBS-RJCIndiana Attorney General Curtis Hill wants to replicate the work of an Indianapolis anti-violence program in other communities around the state. Hill plans to set aside money from his office to spread the Ten Point Coalition model.
The Indianapolis Ten Point Coalition is a community-run anti-violence program. In partnership with the Indianapolis police, the coalition uses a boots on the ground approach to target high crime neighborhoods.
And Hill says it’s effective at reducing violence and homicides.
“There are pockets of violent areas all over the state that can benefit from this type of neighborhood, community, one-house-at-a-time engagement,” Hill says.
Hill is setting aside $500,000 from his office’s Consumer Protection Fund to use as what he calls “seed money” to replicate Ten Point’s work in five or six other communities.
“What we’re looking at is to provide seed merely,” Hill says. “Ultimately, these programs have to be supported within the community.”
The attorney general stresses that communities that use the money will have to adhere to Ten Point’s model, while tailoring it to fit their local needs.
Hill did not say how and when he’ll choose the communities.