October 4, 2018

Harper Criticizes Lawson For Accepting Contributions From Auto Dealers

Original story from   IPBS-RJC

Article origination IPBS-RJC
Democratic Secretary of State candidate Jim Harper says Republican incumbent Connie Lawson shouldn’t accept campaign donations from auto dealers. - Brandon Smith/IPB News

Democratic Secretary of State candidate Jim Harper says Republican incumbent Connie Lawson shouldn’t accept campaign donations from auto dealers.

Brandon Smith/IPB News

Democratic Secretary of State candidate Jim Harper says Republican incumbent Connie Lawson shouldn’t accept campaign donations from auto dealers. 

The Indiana Secretary of State’s office oversees auto dealers. And auto dealers – and their organization – have given Lawson about $250,000 in campaign contributions since she took office.

Harper says that raises a red flag.

“Considering that the person overseeing auto dealers receives such a substantial chunk of her money from that industry, it leads to the impression that the office has been captured by that industry,” Harper says.

Harper says Secretary of State officeholders and candidates should be barred from accepting contributions from auto dealers.

Lawson says she doesn’t see a problem.

“I’m happy that they’re willing to support me because I think they believe we’re doing a good job,” Lawson says.

Harper notes he received a donation from the auto dealers trade group and will donate it to charity.

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