August 14, 2015

Hamilton County Court Begins E-Filing Pilot

INDIANAPOLIS -- Indiana’s judicial branch took its first step toward modernizing its filing system as Hamilton County begins the initial e-filing pilot program.

The judiciary wanted $5 million dollars a year in the new state budget to begin rolling out e-filing to counties around the state without requiring a fee.  But Supreme Court Justice Steven David says the legislature instead opted to increase court filing fees to pay for the initiative.

“They made that determination and we’re very grateful and that’s a long-term solution that enables us to bring e-filing to Indiana,” David said.

Michael Gibson is an attorney with a company in Hamilton County that he says will file around 600 cases this year – and Gibson says the e-filing system has been incredibly easy and efficient.

“It’s very logical in terms of, what am I filing? There’s a drop-down box.  Who’s filing it? There’s a drop-down box,” Gibson said.

The next step for e-filing is to implement it in the state’s appellate courts. They’re expected to have the system up-and-running by the end of the year.  David says he expects e-filing statewide by 2018.

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