A UPS truck transporting the first VOCSN critical care ventilators produced at the General Motors manufacturing facility in Kokomo, Indiana, departs.
Photo by AJ Mast for General MotorsKOKOMO, Ind. (AP) — General Motors in Kokomo is hiring for more than 1,000 full- and part-time workers in Kokomo to help it meet demand for medical ventilators during the coronavirus outbreak.
GM has said it wants to produce 30,000 ventilators by the end of August. On March 18, GM began working with Seattle-area ventilator maker Ventec Life Systems to increase the company’s production.
The starting wage for the temporary positions starts at $16.67 per hour. Holiday pay and health care options are available to employees after 90 days.
The work is for a minimum of eight to 10 hours per day. Saturday and Sunday work may be required. Part-time employees will work between 16 and 32 hours per week.
A virtual job fair will be held at 11 a.m. May 6 to help applicants learn more about the opportunities. To register, visit https://on.in.gov/vjfr4 .