February 13, 2015

Gaming Bill Moves On To Fiscal Committee

Gaming Bill Moves On To Fiscal Committee

The House Public Policy Committee approved a bill aimed at helping the state’s gaming industry.  But, before the measure can appear before the full House for a vote, it must first pass muster in the chamber’s fiscal committee.

The Public Policy Committee primarily scrutinized the provisions of the bill that allow riverboats to move inland and racinos to add table games with live dealers.  And while the committee approved the bill 10-2, some of the members voting ‘yes’ noted those votes may change based on discussions around the financial aspects of the bill. 

Those include an extension of free play, where casinos give out vouchers to customers to play for free, imposing new taxes on the live table games, and an investment tax credit for new construction. 

Legislative fiscal analysts project some of those provisions will cause a loss in state revenue, but the bill’s author LaPorte Republican Rep. Tom Dermody says the bill’s overall design is aimed at boosting gaming revenues.

“I’m not sure what the concern would be because I believe much of it could only be positive coming out of there on a fiscal side,” Dermody said.

Dermody says House Ways and Means Chair Tim Brown recognizes the state needs to help the gaming industry and looks forward to the discussion.

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