January 28, 2015

Franklin College Grad Finalist For Super Bowl Ad Contest

Franklin College Grad Finalist For Super Bowl Ad Contest

Can you remember your first word?  Travis Braun, a finalist in this year’s Doritos Crash the Super Bowl contest can’t but said he is sure it’s not anthropomorphic even if he wishes it was.

“The inspiration behind “Baby’s First Word” is a personal story to me because my mom has never been able to tell me what my first word actually was, so I’m left to wonder what amazing thing I might have said first,” Braun said. “I can only hope it’s as unexpected and funny as what Baby Liam says in the ad.”

Because his mother could never tell him his first word, Braun used the idea for his ad which got him a spot in the finals. In the commercial, Baby Liam starts making sounds that could lead to the word daddy, but to his father’s surprise, it’s not.

Braun said the idea for the barbeque location came from talks with director Ryan Turner. Barbeques are relatable to sport fans and are an American staple, Braun said. The location would also lend itself to a situation where people would immediately understand what was happening when Liam started to talk, Braun said. 

This is Braun’s third year entering into the contest but the first that he has received a phone call.

“It was pretty awesome to finally get the call that I was a finalist,” Braun said.

Besides airing during the Super Bowl, the grand prize winner will receive $1,000,000 and get a dream job with Universal Studios.  Braun said that the dream job is “literally my dream come true.”

“That’s what’s so cool about this competition is that you are able to get a camera, find some people and shoot an ad and you have a chance to air during the Super Bowl against teams that or advertising agencies that are spending millions of dollars on Budweiser and GoDaddy commercials and you can air next to those for $350,” Braun said. “Ads that are made for $350 don’t air during the Super Bowl, but ours has a chance to.”

While some entries are being pushed out by celebrities like Shaquille O'Neal, Braun said it’s the grassroots supporters that help the most.  Braun said the support he has gotten from his alma mater Franklin College and Indiana means more to him than a celebrity tweet.

“You can get on TV, do interviews. You can have celebrities tweet out for you, but at the end of the day, the way to win this contest is to have a great community of support behind you, and that’s what we have gotten from Franklin College, Franklin the city and Indiana,” Braun said.

Braun said that the other finalists are professional directors and producers, and it is an honor to be in the finals with them. Currently, Braun is working as the writing coordinator for “Turbo Fast” but said he hopes this is his big break.

“The Doritos Crash the Super Bowl contest is such a great opportunity for aspiring filmmakers like me to get your foot in the door and have a chance to showcase your work on a stage in front of 100 million people,” Braun said.

Supporters can vote at votefirstword.com once per day, per device until Jan. 28. The winning ad will be shown on Sunday during the Super Bowl.


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