July 11, 2017

Former Senator Tapped To Lead Alcohol Law Study Panel

Original story from   IPBS-RJC

Article origination IPBS-RJC
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Indiana Senate GOP Leader David Long chose a familiar face to lead a new commission studying the state’s alcohol laws – former Republican Sen. Beverly Gard.

Gard served 24 years in the Indiana Senate. Her time there included committee leadership on regulatory and environmental issues.

And her government service hasn’t ended since she left the Senate. Over the last five years, Gard has been appointed by the governor to lead the state’s Environmental Rules Board and serve on the Lobby Registration Commission.

Senate President Pro Tem David Long (R-Fort Wayne) has also tapped her to serve on several study committees, including the recent two-year panel on redistricting reform.

Gard will now lead a new two-year commission to examine the state’s alcohol laws. That includes tackling the contentious issues of legalizing Sunday alcohol carryout and expanding cold beer sales to retailers other than liquor stores.

The remaining non-legislative members of the commission must still be appointed by the General Assembly’s four caucus leaders. They cannot have a stake in or connection to the current alcohol industry.

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