July 22, 2015

Ferebee, IPS Staff At White House Today For Discussion On Student Discipline

IPS Superintendent Lewis Ferebee will attend a discussion on school discipline at the White House on Wednesday, July 22, 2015. - Indianapolis Public Schools

IPS Superintendent Lewis Ferebee will attend a discussion on school discipline at the White House on Wednesday, July 22, 2015.

Indianapolis Public Schools

Indianapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lewis Ferebee and two other administrators are at the White House today for a conversation on school discipline. Reducing suspension and expulsions rates is a priority of the Obama administration and is an ongoing focus at IPS.

In the past year at IPS, student suspensions, expulsions and arrests have been dramatically cut by at least 40 percent.

The reason? The district is focusing more on helping students understand and control why they act out instead of kicking them out of school.

“What we are trying to do is use behavior, especially inappropriate behavior, as an opportunity for instruction," said Cynthia Jackson, IPS Positive Discipline Coordinator. "So there is going to be some opportunity for natural consequences but also an opportunity to learn new skills.”

Jackson joins Ferebee and Arsenal Tech principal Julie Bakehorn at the White House where national experts and key Obama staff will discuss "improving school discipline policies and practices," according to the invitation.

Jackson has overseen a revision to the IPS student code of conduct and training for teachers to become more proactive toward student’s needs.

For the 2015-16 school year, IPS will introduce the alternative discipline program known as "restorative justice." 

The method eschews explusion and suspenion when students misbehave or fight. Instead, students talk with those hurt by their actions to to resolve conflict.

“You got to look at the whole child. And I think the districts who provide supports that are looking at children’s academic and social and emotional growth -- that children are more successful,” Jackson said.

The U.S. Civil Rights Data Collection found that Indiana is one of five states that reported male suspension rates higher than the nation for every racial and ethnic group, according to 2011 data.

In the 2012-13 school year, Indiana's students lost a total of 751,366 instructional days to suspension and expulsion, according to the Equity Project at Indiana University.

State lawmakers have been looking at what is going on in classrooms. A study group was formed in 2014 to study Indiana school discipline. A bill in the recent General Assembly was passed that requires schools to break down discipline data and provide grants for new discipline alternatives. 

Contact WFYI reporter Eric Weddle at eweddle@wfyi.org or call (317) 614-0470. Follow on Twitter: @ericweddle.

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