Senators Todd Young and Joe Donnelly shake hands at the end of a video announcing that the federal government will now officially refer to Indiana residents as "Hoosiers."
Indiana residents will now officially be known as “Hoosiers” in all printed federal government documents thanks to a letter sent last year by Indiana lawmakers.
Last April, a bipartisan letter signed by Indiana’s two U.S. Senators was sent to the Government Publishing Office, which produces and prints documents for all three branches of the federal government. It also creates the federal style guide – where Indiana residents were referred to as “Indianans.”
But now, in line with the letter’s request, Indiana residents will be “Hoosiers” in official government documents.
In a video announcement on Thursday, Democratic Sen. Joe Donnolly says he’s pleased with the change. And Republican Sen. Todd Young recognizes it’s a small victory, but still a victory.
“We’re not delivering world peace, but we’re finally being identified by the federal government as who we are – Hoosiers," Young says. "It’s not just the name of a classic movie, it’s not just what we call IU athletics. It’s who we are.”
Last April’s letter pointed out that local newspapers have been using the term “Hoosiers” since 1826. And a poem normalizing the word – “The Hoosier’s Nest” by John Finley – originally appeared in a Richmond newspaper in 1830.