June 10, 2015

Evansville's Historic Greyhound Station To Be Relit

Indiana Landmarks has been restoring the outside of the two-toned bus station for the last year. - Photo courtesy Tim Schapker, CC-BY-2.0

Indiana Landmarks has been restoring the outside of the two-toned bus station for the last year.

Photo courtesy Tim Schapker, CC-BY-2.0

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) — The restoration of the old Greyhound Station in downtown Evansville will be marked with a ceremony to light the building.

The Evansville Courier and Press reports that Indiana Landmarks will hold an ice cream social for the June 18 event.

The group has been restoring the outside of the two-toned station for the last year. It also has sealed water leaks, renovated windows and returned the original colors to the porcelain-enameled steel panels.

Christine Keck is an Evansville board member of Indiana Landmarks. She says the station "spans generations in terms of people who appreciate it and have a fondness in their hearts for it."

Economic development officials have raised money to help lure a tenant to the station, possibly a restaurant.

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