The Indiana University board of trustees gave final approval last month for the IU medical school that will cover almost six square blocks in Evansville.
file photoEVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) — Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke says the groundbreaking for a new downtown medical school in his city likely will be held next month.
Winnecke said during a mayoral debate Thursday the groundbreaking is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 23. The mayor's office says Indiana University will be sending out formal invitations.
The Indiana University board of trustees gave final approval last month for the IU medical school that will cover almost six square blocks in Evansville. The Indiana Legislature approved the funding in the state budget for the IU and University of Southern Indiana portions of the medical campus earlier this year.
The campus is a partnership among the IU School of Medicine, the University of Southern Indiana and the University of Evansville.