Sen. Joe Donnelly visits with Hoosier service members aboard the USS Truman in the Persian Gulf.
Office of Joe DonnellySen. Joe Donnelly, D-Indiana, says the U.S. should not consider allowing American currency to be used in business transactions involving Iran while some Iran officials are publicizing missile tests, threatening other countries.
The Hoosier Democrat says he met recently with government officials in Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates on a recent trip to the Middle East with a congressional delegation.
He says they all focused on a hope – that Donnelly shares – that Congress will stand firm on sanctions against Iran.
“You know, we’re not going to change anything in regards to that until they can and do change their conduct on ballistic missile testing,” Donnelly says.
Donnelly says he also visited with Iraqi tribal leaders in an area that’s seen recent victories in pushing back ISIS. He met with those same leaders a year ago and says the difference is palpable.
“They are optimistic and they are actually looking forward to, after ISIS is gone from our area, where do we go next to help move them out,” Donnelly says.
Donnelly says the next challenge will be improving relationships between the Iraqi government and regional leaders to help ensure a group like ISIS can’t regain control in the future.