Rep. Cherrish Pryor (D-Indianapolis) shares her experiences with U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly with a crowd in Indianapolis.
Lauren Chapman/IPB NewsSupporters for U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.)'s re-election campaign gathered in Indianapolis to make the case women should support Donnelly for a second term.
In 2016, 53 percent of Hoosier women voted for President Donald Trump.
But following the recent women's marches in Indiana, Donnelly's supporters, including state Rep. Cherrish Pryor (D-Indianapolis), say they are confident some of those same women, who voted for Trump, will vote for Donnelly.
"I think that there is probably a lot of people in that 53 percent that is maybe regretting how those votes were cast," Pryor says.
Pryor says Hoosier women should support Donnelly because values what's best for women above politics.
"How those votes affect women is not a Democrat or Republican thing," Pryor says. "It's just how they're going to affect people in their households."
Election Day is Tuesday Nov. 6.