January 14, 2019

Donation To Expand Indiana County's Park By 104 Acres

LOGANSPORT, Ind. (AP) — A northern Indiana county's sprawling park near the Wabash River is set to grow by 104 acres.

Cass County officials on Friday acquired 104 acres of donated land just southwest of France Park, which spans 550 acres and offers swimming, camping, trails, disc golf and other activities.

Jim Sailors, president of the Cass County Commissioners, tells the Pharos-Tribune that a family that previously owned the land turned it into a conservation area that was managed by NICHES Land Trust in Lafayette.

Sailors said the county's goal is to expand France Park, just west of Logansport. The land offers access to the Wabash River. Visitors will be able to hike through the land's woods and fish along the river.

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