March 20, 2015

Does Sexual Orientation Need To Be Added To Indiana's Civil Rights Statute?

Does Sexual Orientation Need To Be Added To Indiana's Civil Rights Statute?

The controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act or RFRA, being debated in the Indiana legislature, is sparking another debate: whether state law should protect gays and lesbians from discrimination. 

RFRA’s supporters say the proposed law only ensures the government can’t restrict a person’s religious practices unless it has a compelling interest to do so, and the state’s civil rights statute qualifies as a compelling interest. 

But the statewide civil rights law bars discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or ancestry, not sexual orientation.  House Minority Leader Scott Pelath says it should.

“In this day and age, anyone who fires someone for the sole reason of their sexual orientation…well, I would think that most people would agree that that’s wrong,” Pelath said.

Gov. Mike Pence, who supports RFRA, says debate on that bill has nothing to do with discriminating against the LGBT community. 

“I think that’s…I think that is a…that’s a question for another time," Pence said. "That’s not what this is about.”

About a dozen local city and county ordinances around the state bar discrimination based on sexual orientation, but Pelath says he’s worried RFRA will undo those protections.

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