Indiana law requires anyone under 18 to wear a helmet when riding all-terrain vehicles.
Pixabay/public domainState officials say no children have died in off road vehicle accidents since a helmet law took effect one year ago.
The law requires anyone under 18 to wear a helmet when riding all-terrain vehicles. Three children died in ATV accidents in 2017, prior to when the law took effect in July.
Capt. William Browne with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources says the law, combined with other safety efforts, is working.
“All of it combined, our citizens grasping a hold of this, our legislators working over there, our lawmakers doing that, and our governor signing it into law has all worked well with one another,” Browne says.
Nearly 30 children under the age of 18 have died in ATV accidents since 2012.
Browne says the DNR is collaborating with other agencies to create a comprehensive off-road vehicle report, which will look at data to determine injury prevention methods. He says they hope to have the report finished later this year.