July 17, 2024

Database: ILEARN English and math proficiency exam pass rates for Indiana schools

Database: ILEARN English and math proficiency exam pass rates for Indiana schools

Indiana students remain far behind academically after the disruption caused by the global pandemic. Nearly seven out of 10 students, or 69.2 precent of students, are not considered proficient in math and English language arts state standards, according to 2024 ILEARN scores released by the state.

ILEARN is the statewide academic growth assessment for students in grades three through eight.

The results are largely stagnant compared to the previous two years. In English language arts, 41 percent of elementary and middle school children passed — just 0.3 percentage points higher than 2023. In math, 40.7 perent of student passed the exam — a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the previous year.

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