October 4, 2017

Contents Will Be Revealed Of 100-Year Time Capsule At Central Library

Contents Will Be Revealed Of 100-Year Time Capsule At Central Library

The Central Library in downtown Indianapolis will celebratie its 100th anniversary Saturday. 

“The library opened on James Whitcomb Riley’s birthday-which is October 7th in 1917," says Central Library Manager Mike Williams. "So here we are 100 years later, in 2017, we get to celebrate the centennial of the opening of Central Library.”  

The celebration will include the revealing of contents in a time capsule from March 1916.

“The condition of the materials within the time capsule is marvelous," Williams says. "We have a beautiful silk American flag that was on the top thing in the time capsule. We also have a brand new book from James Whitcomb Riley -- 100 years old -- brand new but basically never been touched.”

In addition to the time capsule unveiling, the commemorative event will feature performances by the Indianapolis Children’s Choir and a quintet from the Philharmonic Orchestra of Indianapolis, a proclamation by the Mayor’s Office, family programs, historic period characters and birthday cake. Free parking in Central Library’s garage will be available throughout the day.

The event also will mark the opening of a new exhibit, “Cret Building at 100,” that celebrates the architecture, people and stories of the Cret Building that played an integral part in defining the city’s character 100 years ago.

The 100th anniversary celebration will run from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Central Library, 40 E. St. Clair St.

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