The Senate education committee heard testimony Wednesday on a bill to mandate schools teach computer science.
Pixabay/public domainThe Senate education committee heard testimony on a bill to mandate schools teach computer science. It mandates computer science curriculum in elementary and middle school. It also requires it as an elective in high school, and it earmarks money for teacher training.
Technology companies, interest groups and computer science teachers supported Senate Bill 172 – including Brown County teacher Jacob Koressel.
“It’s more important, now than ever, that we give students the chance to study [computer science],” Koressel says.
But he and others also have concerns: what is the cost to schools, and do rural schools have sufficient internet access?
“Making sure that, those students have access to teachers that have had quality training and have the ability to teach them about certain concepts,” Koressel says.
The committee will make any changes and vote on the bill next week.