Officials announced Friday that the valve and hydrant division of AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Co. is forming AMERICAN Innovation LLC and building the new facility in Crawfordsville.
Courtesy AMERICAN Flow ControlCRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. (AP) — An Alabama-based company that makes pipes for water, oil and natural gas is planning to build a $9 million research and development facility in western Indiana.
Officials announced Friday that the valve and hydrant division of AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Co. is forming AMERICAN Innovation LLC and building the new facility in Crawfordsville.
The Birmingham-based company says in a statement facility will help in "enhancing existing valve and hydrant products, as well as developing new infrastructure-related products."
Construction is expected this summer on the AMERICAN Flow Control Center for Innovative Excellence. It's scheduled to be completed in spring 2020.
Plans at first call for hiring up to eight research and development employees. The Indiana Economic Development Corp. offered up to $130,000 in conditional tax credits related to the project.