Rep. Carey Hamilton (D-Indianapolis) calls on Indiana delegates to oppose budget cuts to the EPA.
Jill Sheridan/IPB NewsCommunity leaders gathered at the Statehouse Tuesday to speak out against proposed federal cuts to environmental protection programs. They focused on concerns for public health. President Donald Trump's proposed budget would cut Environmental Protection Agency funding by about 23 percent.
Community leaders called on Indiana's Congressional representatives to oppose the cuts ahead of the approval deadline.
Rep. Carey Hamilton (D-Indianapolis) says that would have a direct impact on Hoosier health.
"The EPA supports work that reduces our children’s exposure to carcinogens and neurotoxins," says Hamilton. "EPA funds work that ensures Hoosiers have safe drinking water."
Hamilton says the proposed federal cuts would result in the loss of tens of millions of support to the state. She has worked on environmental affairs for years and says federal grants fund numerous environmental cleanup efforts and that investment pays off.
"Healthy communities spend billions less than unhealthy communities on medical costs and productivity losses from pollution exposure, healthy communities are attractive to the types of employers we’d like to bring to Indiana," says Hamilton.
The EPA has identified 52 Superfund cleanup sites in Indiana: past, present and proposed.
Congress is facing a budget deadline Friday.