January 15, 2014

Committee Passes Bill To Create Position Dedicated To Female Veterans

A bill that would create a new women veterans coordinator passed a House committee Tuesday.

House Bill 1117 – authored by Rep. Karlee Macer, D-Indianapolis – would put the position within the Indiana Department of Veterans. The bill also would set aside funds to be used by the coordinator.

The position is not unique to Indiana – many states have a similar position.

The coordinator would be able to organize a conference for women veterans to meet. The conference would help veterans receive the information they need about grants, benefits and services. Similar events have been held before.

Indiana used to have a Hoosier women veterans coordinator as a part time job. But recently the position had been vacated and not filled.

The coordinator would also work to raise awareness of gender specific needs of women veterans and recognize and honor women veterans.

The bill unanimously passed the Veterans Affairs and Public Safety Committee and now moves on to the full House for consideration.

Ben Vandivier is a reporter for TheStatehouseFile.com, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism student.

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