Rep. Tim Wesco (R-Osceola) discusses his bill dealing with education benefits for active duty military and veterans.
Brandon Smith/IPB NewsMilitary veterans won’t have certain financial resources considered when applying for tuition aid under legislation advanced Tuesday.
The bill would ensure resources including GI Bill benefits and Social Security aren’t counted against veterans when applying for financial aid. Rep. Tim Wesco (R-Osceola) says his measure also helps service members, National Guard, or reservists who are called up to active duty after enrolling.
“They will be allowed to reenroll in the course, receive a refund for the course, or receive a credit for a subsequent academic term,” Wesco says.
The bill’s provisions only apply to Indiana’s public colleges and universities. Military/Veterans Coalition of Indiana Vice-Chair Jim Bauerle says the measure’s provisions are already standard practice at those institutions, but not all private schools.
“By having this in writing, this will add additional pressure to those universities to do that,” Bauerle says.
A House committee unanimously sent the bill to the floor.