A unique literary tour highlighting 19 Indianapolis writers, past and present, launched Monday.
Bookmark Indy is a self-guided outdoor experience at sites reflecting the authors’ works. Keira Amstutz, president of Indiana Humanities, said the project allows Hoosiers to see the city differently.
“We created this project to help people see the city again, through the eyes of the writer who might know that place best or who might have written about it. So, in some cases, maybe it's where the writer grew up,” she said.
Amstutz said each site will have an event or “activation” -- including a light show projection, poetry reading, a toy workshop and a haiku competition to honor author Etheridge Knight. A mobile website is available to guide participants.
“We have music that has been created about some of the sites. We've had two-dimensional artwork. We have videos. We have dance performances for some of the sites, and all of that can be found on the digital site,” Amstutz said.
Each week will focus on a different author. The 19-week exploration includes writing excerpts from Mari Evans, Booth Tarkington, Kurt Vonnegut, Susan Neville, John Green and James Whitcomb Riley.