Kristin Jones, a Democrat, has been a member of the Indianapolis City-County Council since 2019.
Indianapolis City-County CouncilIndianapolis City-County Councillor Kristin Jones announced this week she will run for a new Indiana Senate seat. Senate District 46 was created during the recent redistricting process in Indiana.
Jones, a Democrat, has been a member of the City-County Council since 2019. She represents District 16 that includes parts of downtown, west and south Indianapolis.
Jones said her time on the council has inspired her to run for the senate seat.
“I love the impact I’ve been able to have serving our neighborhoods. and the quality of life issues that I’ve been able to have and this opportunity brings it on a new level,” Jones said.
As her campaign kicks off, she says top issues include better wages, education and health care.
Jones said too often work done on the city level is stymied by state lawmakers.
“Our good policies and our common sense policies at the council, and then you go to the other end of Market Street and it gets stopped,” Jones said, “so I would love to be the voice that advocates for all that great work.”
A local union member, Jones has support from the Indiana State AFL-CIO. A kick off event is planned next week.
Jones joins two other women candidates, Democrats Karla Lopez Owens and Ashley Eason, running for the seat.