February 8, 2023

City-County Council committee makes library board nomination

Screenshot of Dr. Eugene White before a City-County Council committee.

Screenshot of Dr. Eugene White before a City-County Council committee.

The Indianapolis City-County Council passed a proposal Monday to nominate Eugene White to the Indianapolis Public Library Board of Trustees.

A municipal corporations committee questioned White on his qualifications Wednesday, which include his roles as a former Indianapolis Public Schools superintendent and president of Martin University.

White said he was asked to be the City-County Council’s nomination.

“I know there are some serious issues on the board so I am honored to be asked to serve, and I know it’s a very important appointment,” White said.

Some community members have criticized the board for not listening to community input on library leadership.

Community members at the meeting asked for more diversity on the board. Some recommended Karla Lopez Owens, who works for the Marion County Prosecutor's office and has run for other positions. The board has no Hispanic representation.

Hope Tribble is the City-County Council’s other appointee.  The Indianapolis Board of School Commissioners and County Commissioners also appointed members of the six member library board.

White’s nomination now moves to the full council.

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