Passenger numbers at Fort Wayne International Airport show an 11 percent increase last year.
file photoFORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) — Passenger numbers at Fort Wayne International Airport show an 11 percent increase last year.
The (Fort Wayne) Journal Gazette reports that the numbers make it the sixth-straight year of growth for the airport. Data show about 359,000 passengers boarded flights at the airport in 2015. That's compared with about 324,000 in 2014. The newspaper reports that the number of passengers boarding planes has increased 35 percent compared with 2009.
Scott Hindman is executive director of airports for the Fort Wayne-Allen County Airport Authority. He attributes growth to new nonstop flights and community support.
The airport saw an 11.4 percent increase in its number of flights from 2014 to 2015. It has daily nonstop flights to Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Minneapolis and Philadelphia.