April 15, 2015

Budget Amendment Would Allow Ads On School Buses

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Indiana school districts could raise money by putting ads on their buses under a proposal added to the state budget by the Senate Tuesday. 

As urban school districts lose students, both House and Senate school funding formula plans would have them lose money.  Buck Creek Republican Sen. Brandt Hershman says his amendment allowing school districts to put ads on their school buses is a nod to the financial losses those districts might see.

“For those in quite rural districts, as much of mine is, there would not be the ability to generate advertising revenue that there would in more urban districts,” Hershman said.

But Indianapolis Democratic Sen. Greg Taylor says putting ads on buses can have negative consequences, such as those experienced by Florida.

“Over 10,000 increase in school bus arm violations when they allowed school buses to have these advertisements because these things are distractions,” Taylor said.

The amendment says the ads can’t be for alcohol, gambling, tobacco, political candidates, or contain sexual content.  Hershman says there’s no way to know how much money schools might be able to generate.

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