U.S. Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) says he supports President Donald Trump's proposal to import some lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada.
Brandon Smith/IPB NewsU.S. Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) says he supports President Donald Trump’s proposal to import low-cost prescription drugs from Canada.
Braun says it should be part of a broad solution to reduce the cost of prescription drugs in the U.S.
The Trump administration recently announced it may set up a system to allow Americans to legally get lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada. Braun says that move – along with continued reform efforts in Congress – should send a message to health care companies.
“That should be like the two-by-four across the head that ‘Wake up, we don’t like what you’re doing,’” Braun says.
Still, the Hoosier Republican is skeptical of the ability of the federal government to fix the health care system.
“Do it at the local and state levels," Braun says. "Don’t rely on the federal government to have to browbeat things into working.”
Braun says he does support protections for pre-existing conditions and a ban on lifetime caps for insurance coverage. But he’s also backed a federal lawsuit that would eliminate those measures in current law.