October 16, 2013

BMV Commissioner To Resign In December

BMV Commissioner To Resign In December

R. Scott Waddell, commissioner of the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV), will be stepping down effective the beginning of December.

“I am honored to have served Governors Mitch Daniels and Mike Pence as commissioner of the BMV.  Just as important, it has been my privilege to play a role in the ‘Best in the Country’ successes achieved by the dedicated and hard-working associates of the Indiana BMV,” Waddell said. “The accomplishments of our customer oriented agency have raised the bar for bureaus throughout North America.”

During his tenure at the BMV initiatives such as branch visit time monitoring technology, touch-screen computers for knowledge testing and transaction-based smart phone apps were implemented.

Waddell’s last day will be Dec. 2.

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